Educe Academy

Mai's Story

It's not easy to keep up with the trend 

Mai graduated from Hanoi Pedagogical University in 2016. She has been working in an international preschool in Hanoi, Vietnam, for two years but did not have a chance to come back to school for her professional development, mainly because of her workload. Mai works every day from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, she cannot stop working as it will have an immediate negative impact on her income.

Mai discovered Educe Academy through a friend. She became addicted to the new learning platform from that day on. 


Educe Academy 

Educe Academy provides advanced training courses to educational professionals, from teachers and support staff to principals and school managers. We deliver transformative 4IR learning experiences, both online and onsite via apprenticeships and placements, setting new standards for the education industry.

Online Learning

All materials are uploaded to an online learning management system to allow you to have access 24/7 at your own comfort and convenience.

Onsite Apprenticeships

We secured a strong partnership with the best schools in your area for you to experience a practical apprenticeship when the courses require

Courses On Demand 

We develop the courses with LEAN start up in mind, for you to choose the courses that you want, and for us to bring to you only the courses that you want 

Double Recognition

You will get not only a certificate from us at the completion, but when the course is built with our local or international partners, the second, internationally recognised qualification will be also offered at the same time

Our Courses

From beginners to school veterans, you can all learn from here

Tomorrow Education

The future of education is still unknown to many of us. New technologies like AI, machine learning, and educational software aren't just changing the field for students, they're shaking up the role of educators, creating philosophical shifts in approaches to teaching.

How Children Learn

Understanding how children learn is key to make learning happens. Young children tend to be  concrete thinkers. They cannot think in abstract ways. They need active, participatory learning that uses their senses. They need to touch, feel and be in experience. Children should lead their own learning.

Project Based Learning

Project based learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge. 

Project based learning has been proven to be effective in promoting 21st century skills for young learners.

"I am very fortunate to find Educe Academy, where I can continue to learn all what I did not have chance to learn at university, at a much deeper level, without sacrifying my day work which gives me a regular and stable source of income. The knowledge and skills learned from the course gave me much more confidence and pride!"

NGUYEN THANH MAI, Preschool Teacher